- Extremely satisfied
- Very satisfied
- Quite satisfied
- Quite dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
- Extremely dissatisfied
- Don’t know
- Very safe
- Quite safe
- Not very safe
- Not at all safe
- Don’t know
- Building or property, including building, planning, resource consent or permit/ Council housing, house or land sale or purchase, LIM, dangerous buildings
- Dog, animal control, animal related, including dog registrations
- Events related
- General licensing, including liquor
- Park, reserve, playground, skatepark or walking track
- Rates
- Recreational facilities, including swimming pools, sports stadiums, fitness centres or gyms
- Roading or footpaths
- Rubbish disposal/recycling
- Sewerage
- Stormwater or flooding
- Public toilets and restrooms
- Water supply
- Collected by Council – go to Q13
- Not collected by Council – skip to Q15
What types of questions are included in the survey?
Here is a selection of sample questions from the survey:
Q9. How satisfied are you with how your property drains stormwater? Tick one box only
Q10a. Thinking about safety, how safe do you feel on local roads overall? Tick one box only
Q11b. For what reason did you contact the Council offices? Tick those that apply
Another reason (specify)
Q12. Do you have your household rubbish collected by the Council? Tick one box only
Are my responses confidential?
Yes. Your participation is confidential and your responses will be combined with those of other participants so you cannot be identified by Grey District Council.
I completed the survey last year, why should I do it again this year?
A lot can change over 12 months so taking part every year provides council with an up to date snapshot into what life is like for people living in the Grey District. It allows council to track its performance against key indicators over time.
Can temporary residents or visitors take part?
Temporary residents can take part but not visitors, sorry.
Why can't people younger that 18 take part?
We only include those 18 and over, mainly because our sources of sample (electoral roll and ratepayer database) only contain residents 18 and over.
However there are some clear regulations/reasoning around ages to include in research. These are detailed in the Research Association NX Code of practice: www.researchassociation.org.nz/resources/Documents/RANZ%20Code%20of%20Practice%20July%202015%20final.pdf(External link).
Can everyone in my household take part or is it just one entry per household?
Everyone in your household can take part, as long as they are over 18 years and over.
When can I see the results?
The survey will run until the required demographic groups are achieved. We estimate this may take until January 2024. The full results report will be posted on Grey District Councils Website once it is adopted by Council.